Understanding the Challenges of Breastfeeding
Cindy Rubin Cindy Rubin

Understanding the Challenges of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding, while a beautiful experience, isn't always easy. Many new mothers intend to breastfeed exclusively but soon realize it's not as simple as it seems. Challenges like low milk supply or pain during breastfeeding are common and make reaching breastfeeding goals difficult. Besides these specific issues, breastfeeding is, quite simply, exhausting. Being a new mom is hard enough, and breastfeeding adds another layer of complexity. Remember, it's a task only you can do, and that can be daunting.

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TIPS for NURSING Sleepy Babies
Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Tips Cindy Rubin Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Tips Cindy Rubin

TIPS for NURSING Sleepy Babies

Newborns, especially those born preterm or early term (around 35 to 37 weeks), often exhibit sleepiness while nursing at the breast. I like to call them "pokey" babies.  Baby pokiness can lead to breastfeeding session that take a LONG time, or a feeding may end with a sleeping baby who did not eat much, so they wake up again to eat shortly after putting them down.  After a while, this can lead to an especially tiring breastfeeding experience and may make you seek out the help of a lactation consultation. Find out some tips and tricks to keep a sleepy baby eating at the breast in this week’s blog post.

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Navigating the Challenges of Motherhood: Understanding and Overcoming 'Mom Guilt'

Navigating the Challenges of Motherhood: Understanding and Overcoming 'Mom Guilt'

Motherhood places an enormous responsibility on your shoulders. You're tasked with nurturing, caring for, and shaping a tiny human being into a well-rounded adult. This journey is fraught with decisions, and often, I am asked by my patients about the "right" way to handle certain situations. It's important to understand that parenting isn't about right or wrong methods; it's more about finding what works best for you and your family. Each family is unique, and so are the solutions to the challenges they face. Let's remember to be gentle with ourselves and understand that self-judgment is often our harshest critic.

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investigating the tongue and breastfeeding
Breastfeeding, Tongue Tie, Frenotomy, Lactation Cindy Rubin Breastfeeding, Tongue Tie, Frenotomy, Lactation Cindy Rubin

investigating the tongue and breastfeeding

Lifting the Tongue: Arguably the most important skill is lifting the tongue. Not only does a baby need to learn how to lift the tongue, but the tongue needs to have the mobility necessary to do this.  If there is a restriction of some sort, it may prevent your baby from lifting the tongue adequately no matter how hard they try.  This restriction could be from a variation of anatomy (an "oral tie" would fall into this category).  But it also could be a functional inability due to strength, tightness of the neck or jaw, or something else that is keeping that tongue from moving up as needed. 

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pumping to empty
Cindy Rubin Cindy Rubin

pumping to empty

I was recently listening to a podcast. One of the people interviewed had mastitis and was talking about how she was always pumping to empty her breasts because she was so scared of getting another mastitis. This is a common misconception. You get mastitis after going a little longer between nursing or pump sessions, and therefore you start to pump or nurse more and more in order to prevent another mastitis. This thinking is based on a theory that plugged ducts or mastitis happen due to stagnant milk that's been sitting in the breasts for too long. If that’s the case, we need to empty, and empty, and empty, more frequently and more completely to make sure that we don't get another plugged duct or infection.

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Understanding and Managing Fast Letdown in Breastfeeding

Understanding and Managing Fast Letdown in Breastfeeding

Some women experience a fast or forceful letdown when breastfeeding. While this isn't always a problem, it can be challenging for some babies to cope with milk flowing out faster than they can comfortably handle. Babies need to coordinate sucking, swallowing, and breathing during feeding, and a forceful letdown can disrupt this delicate balance.

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NEW REcommenda-tions for treating plugged ducts
Cindy Rubin Cindy Rubin

NEW REcommenda-tions for treating plugged ducts

If you’ve ever had a plugged duct, you know how miserable they can make you. They are painful, sometimes provoke anxiety, and can lead to decreased milk production (temporarily). Contrary to what you might think, plugged ducts are not little clumps of milk but Instead they are areas of obstructed milk due to inflammation that has developed in or around a milk duct. This inflammation gradually narrows the duct, making it difficult for milk to flow freely. While there may be a bit of congealed milk involved, it's primarily inflammation that's causing the blockage.

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Understanding Baby Reflux: A Guide for Worried Moms
Cindy Rubin Cindy Rubin

Understanding Baby Reflux: A Guide for Worried Moms

As a Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine physician, pediatrician, and mom, I understand that the journey of motherhood comes with a myriad of concerns and questions. One common issue that often troubles new parents is baby reflux. It's natural to be worried when your little one spits up frequently. In this article, I'll shed light on the world of baby reflux, explain its causes, when to be concerned, and offer some practical tips to make both you and your baby's life easier during this phase.

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Understanding Engorgement in the Postpartum period

Understanding Engorgement in the Postpartum period

Breast engorgement is characterized by the breasts becoming hard, swollen, and painful. It happens not only because milk production increases but also due to inflammation and fluid buildup in the breast tissues. This swelling can make it difficult for babies to latch onto the breast and for milk to flow easily, causing frustration for both the mother and the baby.

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Finding the Balance Between Rest and milk Production
Cindy Rubin Cindy Rubin

Finding the Balance Between Rest and milk Production

Being a new mom is exhausting. When you add breastfeeding to the mix, it becomes even more demanding. Breastfeeding is a unique responsibility that only you can fulfill, and it can take a toll on your energy levels. It's important to be prepared for the fact that it might be more challenging than you initially thought.

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