While pregnant, you are likely used to tons of attention from family, friends, and the medical community. Unfortunately, the way our society is set up, mothers are often left by the wayside after having a baby, while the little one becomes the focus of attention. The postpartum period is a time of major life transitions - becoming a mom, a changing relationship with your partner and other children, a healing body, and huge emotional shifts. Without the proper support, women are at high risk of postpartum mood disorders. In fact, the United States boasts THE HIGHEST maternal mortality rate of any modernized country in the world. This is not a statistic to be proud of. This is glaring data that our system needs to change.
My 4th Trimester Package is my way of battling this statistic.

5 Things Everyone Should Know About Postpartum Depression: An Interview with Jake Frankel in Authority Magazine
I recently had an interview with Authority Magazine about Postpartum Depression. Check it out here and share widely.