4th Trimester Package information Page


Congratulations on taking a step you won’t regret to ensure peace of mind around the upcoming birth of your baby. By signing up for our 4th Trimester Package, you will be well-supported before and after your baby's arrival and you can be confident you will be in good care. I can't wait to share this journey with you!

Please follow the link below to access our intake paperwork and consent forms and complete those as soon as possible. You can expect to hear from us to schedule your pre-delivery visit (typically recommended around 34 weeks, but can be done sooner or later per your preference.

Please do not hesitate to contact me sooner if you have any questions via e-mail at drrubin@intouchpediatrics.com.


Dr. Rubin


Please click the link below to access the Intake Form and Consents for your 4th Trimester Package. You will receive an additional Intake and Consent when your baby arrives. You may download a blank copy of the forms if you would like to read this prior to completing them, and you will have the ability to download a copy of the completed form as well. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Someone from our office will reach out in the next 1-2 weeks to schedule your pre-delivery virtual visit.

Please note that this package does NOT take the place of your obstetric care before or after your baby's arrival. Dr. Rubin will be your baby's pediatrician for 6 weeks after arrival, and then will transition your baby to your chosen pediatrician in the community. She will also be able to do mental health screening, pelvic floor screening, basic blood pressure and wound checks for you, and can provide medical care in the context of lactation during that time, but will not be your primary personal physician as her training is in pediatrics and breastfeeding medicine.