In Touch Pediatrics and Lactation, PLLC

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It ain’t easy being a dad. Moms get all the attention, for sure! But dads and those who are in father roles, are absolutely amazing.

My husband, shown above, comes up with special traditions with our kids. This one, jumping into the pool for the first time each summer, is a real hit! He creates moments with his kids every day that will be memories forever. And then, of course, he supports ME, too! He’s got a tough job, and he does it spectacularly.

But those early days with our infant babies were rough. There were times when he wanted to help but didn’t know how. There were moments when he wished he was the one with breasts so he could feed our babies and I could sleep. There were moments when I was sad or exhausted and he simply didn’t know the best way to make my life easier, and I honestly didn’t know what to tell him myself! Not to mention, he sometimes felt like he was dealt the raw end of the deal because he didn’t automatically get snuggle time with the babies every 3 hours, like I did.

We made it through, and we have figured out how to juggle our duties over the years.

You and yours will figure it out, too. Our roles change so much when we become parents. We now are completely responsible for these little humans, but we also have a new relationship with our partner, our family, our friends, and ourselves. It’s OK to feel confused, overwhelmed, and unsure how to navigate this time. I recommend that everyone consider individual and/or couples therapy before having a baby to help anticipate the changes that are coming and learn how better to navigate them, and continue that counseling through the perinatal period.

So to all the dads out there, we appreciate you!

And if you’re a dad of a newborn (or soon to be one) and you’re wondering how you’ll be able to help in those early days, especially if your partner intends to breastfeed, check out my e-book with lots of great tips.